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SJICF Partners with Grange for Commercial Kitchen Upgrade

SJICF is pleased to be partnering with SJI Grange #966 to provide a pass-through grant for funds donated to upgrade the Grange commercial kitchen!

For decades, the Grange has been a cherished venue for local events.  A licensed commercial kitchen benefits our Grange and the general community in a number of ways:

Improving Community Service – increases the usability of the Grange Hall for events and provides a venue for classes on food preparation and preservation.

Increasing Emergency Preparedness – provides the ability to cook more food, more quickly and safely (a propane system, reliable in emergency situations, is included in the plan).

Boosting Local Economy – commercial certification allows community members to prepare value-added products for retail, and provides a location for local farmers, chefs, and organizations to host dinners.

The Grange is well on its way to raising $40K to complete the project. If you’d like to make a donation, send a check to SJICF noting “Grange Kitchen” in the memo or click here to donate online.