Establishing a Nonprofit Fund

A nonprofit fund is a type of fund created by a nonprofit organization and held at SJICF. Open a fund to receive donations for your nonprofit, custom tailored to your goals.
How does it work?
Once the fund is created, the nonprofit organization deposits assets, such as money, into the fund, and the community foundation manages the fund on behalf of the organization. The nonprofit organization can use the fund to support their programs and services, and the community foundation provides support and guidance on managing the fund.
Benefits of Opening a Nonprofit Fund
- Professional Investment Options: SJICF has investment professionals who manage the funds and work to maximize returns while minimizing risk. This means your nonprofit can benefit from professional investment management without having to hire your own investment management team.
Expanded Donation Options: You can accept check or stock donations or online donations via the SJICF website (Stripe fees apply).
- Increased Visibility : Your fund is listed on the SJICF website Donate page with a unique photo and link to provide to your donors.
- Streamlined Administration: Managing a nonprofit’s finances can be time-consuming and complex. Establishing a nonprofit fund can help to simplify administration. SJICF handles all administrative tasks, including investment management, accounting, donation acknowledgements, and tax receipts, allowing your organization to focus on your mission.
- Sustainability and Access to Funds: If you choose to endow your fund, you are creating a way to grow funds to support the work of your nonprofit far into the future. You may also choose not to endow your fund, which gives you the flexibility to request a distribution when you need it. Either way, you’re creating a new vehicle to invite donors to join in to support your mission!